As the one-year mark of COVID-19 approaches and more vaccines become increasingly available, it begs the question of what returning to work will look like. There are still numerous employment and safe working guideline uncertainties from employees, employers, and consumers.
As the one-year mark of COVID-19 approaches and more vaccines become increasingly available, it begs the question of what returning to work will look like. There are still numerous employment and safe working guideline uncertainties from employees, employers, and consumers.
Efforts to adhere to the new social normalcies and regulatory guidelines become even more complex as they vary from city to city and state to state.
No matter where your company in located, creating return to work guidelines is imperative for your business, employees, and the general public’s health and well-being. The key is determining which return to work guidelines make the most sense for your line of work.
Best Return to Work Guidelines
Determining the best return to work guidelines are different for every organization, but you know your business and its team members better than anyone. The following are the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) guidelines to help protect yourself and others from spreading or becoming infected with COVID-19.
Wear Masks & Reduce Crowds
Wearing a mask that covers both your nose and mouth is a simple way to reduce and slow the spread of the virus. Also, respecting everyone’s personal six-foot bubbles helps to limit COVID-19’s spread as well.
Clean & Disinfect
Frequently clean the dirt off high-traffic areas and most importantly, follow-up the cleaning by disinfecting those surfaces as well, using a disinfectant solution strong enough to combat COVID-19.
Provide Testing Services
There are several at-work and in-home testing services that you can implement or offer to your employees to help them feel safe and comfortable at work. At NMS Management Services, we provide several at-work and in-home testing services for your convenience.
Developing the Best Return to Work Guidelines
Each year brings new business challenges, and 2020 certainly gave and is still giving businesses unprecedented challenges to cope with and learn from.
As the COVID-19 vaccines are being distributed and businesses continue to reopen, there are several ways you can help ensure your business, employees, and the general public’s well-being by implementing the best return to work guidelines for your company.
At NMS Management Services, we offer a wide variety of compliance, testing, and screening services for your every need. Whether you need at-home or on-site COVID-19 testing and back-to-work strategies or 24/7 on-site collection services, we can help. Contact us today to get started.